Parent Drop-Off & Pick-Up

Arrival and dismissal will look different this year at Beaver Creek. Parent drop off and pick up will be at the main entrance off the front parking lot.  We will dismiss students to parent pick up, and dismiss walkers and riders to use one of the supervised exit points (Door #9 near Deer Community exit and Door #3 KTC/Cafeteria exit). Bike racks are available by Door #3 and Door #9.

Our staff will be posted at all entrances and exits, to ensure students move safely to their destination. Families who wish to meet their child at the door can wait outside for students to be dismissed. Parents will not be allowed to meet students at their classroom without first checking in at the main office and obtaining a visitor badge. There will be no exception to this rule.

Bus Drop-Off & Pick-Up

Bus arrival and drop off is now on the east side of the building. Because of the space needed for bus drop off and pick up, there will be no parking in the parking spaces on the east side of the building. Students who are riding the bus will exit on the east side of the building. All bus riders will enter the building through door #15 in the morning. After school, grades Kindergarten, 1 and 2 will exit through their community door to the bus lane. Grades 3, 4 and 5 will exit through door #15. As in years past, at dismissal time, buses will be called over the PA system, and students will be allowed to move to the bus dismissal area.