KTC is closed August 15-22 for staff training.

Spend the Summer with Kids Connection

Registration for KTC Summer 2024 is closed on Eleyo. Registration is done online via Eleyo.

Registration must be done by Monday the week prior to starting to attend, pending space is available. Enrollment is on a first-come basis and is limited at each site due to staff-student ratio of 1:10-1:15, following state guidelines and space availability.

Kids Connection is available for students who will be in grades DK-6 in the fall, school year 2024-2025. 

Summer 2024 Locations: Gr. K-1 @ Wallace, Gr. 2-3 @ Horizon, and Gr. 4-6 @ Lawson.

Day care is available from 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. and is located in the JCSD elementary buildings. Daily care includes breakfast, a snack, field trips and fun, enriching activities. A sack lunch is needed each day.

Summer 2024 KTC Parent Handbook

        KTC Summer 2024 Parent Letter

     Summer 2024 Contract Explanation & Pricing

        Summer 2024 KTC Breakfast & Snack Menu


Printed monthly field trip schedules are available at each of the summer sites.  Monthly field trip schedules are emailed to participants.

Summer 2024 KTC Sites

Kindergarten-First Grades  Wallace    Summer 2024 newsletter
Second-Third Grades Horizon     Summer 2024 newsletter
Fourth-Sixth Grades Lawson     Summer 2024 newsletter

Summer Vacation Days

Participants that have a consistent schedule contract for summer are allowed one vacation week (M-F). The form below must be completed and turned into the KTC office two weeks prior to the week you want vacation. Please use the link below and complete the form. Download and complete the form, save with child’s last name in title, and email to Lori Meyer. Or print and complete the form and take it or mail it to the KTC office located at 6510 NW 62nd  Ave. PO Box 10, Johnston, IA. Please do not drop forms off at KTC sites.

Summer Vacation Request Form