Johnston Ac Dec Team State Runner-Up

Twelve Johnston students and three volunteers traveled to Cedar Rapids March 3-4 to compete in the 30th annual State Academic Decathlon competition.  They returned with a record-high point total, 20 individual medals and their third consecutive second-place finish.

After seven multiple choice exams over World War I history, science, art, music, literature,  and economics, an exam covering mathematics, an essay, a speech, and an interview, Johnston students accumulated 36,917 points.  They finished closer to the first place team than ever before, due to hard work and a positive attitude.

Team members also took home a total of 20 individual medals, earned top Honors and Scholastic alternate awards, and the second place Varsity alternate award.

Congratulations to all the students who competed at the Regional and State levels on a great year. Individual state team members and their honors are listed below. The Academic Decathlon team is coached by Sue Cline.

Honors division:
Aditi Jithendra ( 11):  2nd Overall Honors Student for the entire competition; 1st in Social Science, 2nd in Essay, 3rd in Art, 3rd in Science, 3rd in Lang/Literature.

Afshan Chandani (12):  1st in Math

Kevin Dial (11):  1st in Interview

Scholastic division:
Asiya Mohammed (12):  2nd in Speech, 3rd in Interview, 3rd in Math

Alexis Pottebaum(12):  1st in Essay

Sarah Martin(11):  2nd in Interview

Varsity division:
Bobby Bailey (12): 1st in Science, 1st in Math, 3rd in Social Science, 3rd in Economics, 3rd in Art

Jadyn Lovelady (12):  2nd in Interview, 2nd in Language/Literature/ 3rd in Speech

Andrew Ehler (12):  1st overall Honors, 1st Overall All Alternates

Ciara Becker (12):  1st overall Scholastic

Millie Brewer (12):  2nd overall Varsity

Volunteers Xavier Leonard (12), Ceci Hodson (11) and Casey Hodson (10) made sure the tournament ran smoothly. A big thank you for their hard work!

Team photo of the 2016-17 johnston academic decathlon team members

Members of the 2016-17 Johnston Academic Decathlon team and their coach, Sue Cline.