Dragon Scholarship Fund Auction is March 4

Registration is now open for the 14th annual Dragon Scholarship Fund Auction, Saturday, March 4 from 6:30-10:30 p.m. at the Sheraton in West Des Moines.

Each year, the Dragon Scholarship Fund’s goal is to give every Johnston High School graduating senior, who successfully completes the application process, financial assistance as they continue their education. Dragon Scholarship Fund has provided more than $1 million and over 3,000 scholarships in the last 20 years. The Dragon Scholarship Fund is a non-profit group composed of volunteers.

Members of the Johnston community and public have an opportunity to be part of the DSF’s work by attending the annual auction event and/or donating toward the cause. The auction night is filled with live music and entertainment, hors d’oeuvres, a silent and live auction, and lots of fun! Some of the items up for bid this year include a John Deere riding lawn mower, hotel and restaurant certificates, cultural and entertainment tickets, art and household items, sports items, business services, and much more.

Register now for this fun evening, filled with food, friends, and all in the name of fundraising for Johnston students! DSF also offers the option to donate online or register for remote online mobile bidding. Tickets are $40 per person, or the purchase of a reserved table for 10 guests for $500.

Questions can be directed to info@dragonsf.org. Be sure to check out Dragon Scholarship Fund on Facebook to stay up-to-date on news and events!

2017 Dragon SCholarship Fund poster
