Community, Staff Conversation on July 31: The Need for 21st Century Skills in our Students

Today’s student faces a world beyond high school that demands skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and content mastery. Employers and higher education institutes are looking for these skills to be developed at earlier ages, preparing students for the workforce well before they enter it.

Educational leader and expert Ken Kay of EdLeader 21 will engage our community – parents, students, and staff – in a thought-provoking discussion surrounding our current Johnston Portrait of a Graduate and implications for the work being done in our schools.

Join us for an evening of insightful conversation and collaboration. All members of the Johnston Community School District are encouraged to attend this free event on Monday, July 31 at 6:30 p.m. in the Johnston High School Auditorium (6500 NW 100th St.)

Ken Kay Community