JCSD Mock Trial Team Members Identified as Outstanding Witnesses and Attorneys

State Mock Trial

Hope Ung, Angela Cai, and Allie Tubbs

State Mock Trial was a wonderful experience for teams Lawyered! and Meet the Mockers. These two teams featured 23 students who worked extremely hard all season and faced strong opponents through the three rounds at Vets on Thursday, April 4, and Friday, April 5.

In addition to the experience and fun,  both teams had members receiving special honors. Senior Allie Tubbs, from Lawyered!, was one of fourteen young people identified as “Outstanding Witnesses.” Senior Angela Cai, from Lawyered!, and junior Hope Ung, from Meet the Mockers, were two of the 17 students identified as “Outstanding Attorneys.” To earn this honor, the student must be identified  by both judges in a single round, in the first position, meaning the performance was rated as the best in the entire trial. Johnston has not won three of these awards in several years.

Congratulations to both teams and to our individual award winners!