Do the 2020 Census Today!

The U.S. Census, which is conducted every 10 years, directly impacts federal funding every year for schools and communities in Iowa. This funding impacts special education, teacher training, technology, school lunch assistance, Head Start and after school programs.

According to the Count All Kids Campaign, more than 2 million young children nationally were missed in the 2010 census. If we undercount young children in the 2020 census, Iowa could miss out on funding for the programs our students depend on.

April 1 is Census Day. Use this time at home to complete the Census online, by mail or by phone. The online questionnaire will take about 10 minutes to complete. Your response helps to direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public services. We appreciate your help in getting an accurate count for our community!

This can also be used as a learning opportunity to educate children on the role the Census plays in federal funding, the number of seats each state has in Congress, and your political representation at all levels of government.

Additional information can be found on the U.S. Census Bureau’s website: