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Announcements-Friday, August 30th-B Day
- BUS REMINDER: As a reminder, students are not allowed to ride home with a friend on a different bus; however, if the students normally ride the same bus, they may do so with a note to the office.
- SPECIAL PE ANNOUNCEMENT: Students are now dressing out for PE. Remember your white shirt and black/purple shorts.
- SCHOOL CLIMATE COMMITTEE: School Climate Committee applications are now available on your school counselor’s office door (Mrs. Heston-6th and Mrs. Brock-7th). Please consider applying if you are a student who would like to be involved in building a positive culture at Summit that is welcoming for all students. The school climate committee plans various building and community activities throughout the year to help spread positivity. Applications are due on Friday, September 13th. Please see Mrs. Heston or Mrs. Brock with any questions.
- FOOTBALL STADIUM GUIDELINES: Any Summit students who are not sitting with their parents or guardians must sit in their designated section. Summit students are to sit on the north end of the LOWER bleachers. Building administrators will be enforcing the seating arrangements.
- A Day on Tuesday