Announcements-Monday, February 25th-A DAY

SUMMIT THEATER PRODUCTION: Rehearsal today—In choir room “Falling Star” “Falling Asleep” and “Falling to Pieces” from 3-5pm Set/Props Crew 3-5pm

HYPERSTREAM: Group “A” Day on Tuesday, 2/26



MATH COUNTS: Math Counts Celebration on Monday 2/25 from 3- 4pm. This is for students who have participated in Math Counts this year. See  you on Monday.

PE CLASSES: All PE students will be swimming Tuesday the 26th

All PE students need to bring their iPads on Thursday to class.

CHEERLEADING–8TH GRADE: Interested in trying out for 8th Grade Cheerleading?  Plan to attend one of our informational meetings to learn about tryouts.  All students interested in trying out for a fall or winter cheerleading squad must have at representative attend ONE of two parent/cheerleader information meetings prior to tryouts. *Monday, March 11th at 6 pm OR Tuesday, March 12th at 7:30 pm in the JHS cafeteria. Attendance at one meeting is required in order to tryout.  Tryout forms will be handed out at this meeting so you must attend in order to receive the tryout paperwork.  Even if you aren’t sure, plan to attend this informational meeting so that you have the information you need to make the decision that is best for you.  We hope you will join us to cheer on our DRAGONS!  Questions???  Contact Kate Safris

SPRING BOOK FAIR: Our Summit Spring Book Fair starts THIS week!  We will be open February 25th and 26th during the evening when our sixth and seventh grade bands have concerts.  We will be open 8 am to 2:45 pm during the day on Tuesday. We are also open during parent teacher conferences and part of our school days.  Watch the announcements to see our hours for each day.  All proceeds from the book fair will be used to purchase new items for our Summit Media Center (Library). Parents:  If you are available to work a shift at our book fair, we are still in need.  Please check the signup below to find a time to help If you have any questions, ask Staci Randall at

NATIONAL HISTORY DAY:  **NHD drop ins this week are Tuesday 6:30 – 7:30 am and Wednesday 2:50 – 4:00 pm.  All students planning on participating in NHD must stop in and see Ms. Ites to complete Registration by end of day Friday, March 1, 2019.  See Ms. Ites with details.  Thanks!

B DAY tomorrow