Announcements-Thursday, April 18th-B Day


Parents and guardians are invited to an evening of learning presented by the Board of Education Student Well-Being and Mental Health Committee. Please join us to learn more about the following topics.

  • Human Trafficking—Learn about the scope of the human trafficking issue in Central Iowa and the role parents and community members can play in keeping young people safe.
  • Vaping from a student perspective—The Summit Vaping Prevention Group will be sharing a student view of vaping issues and the work they are doing to make a difference.
  • Anxiety and de-escalation—Participants will have an opportunity to learn about anxious feelings in young people and identify ways they can help their children and teens deescalate and manage anxiety.
  • Vaping—A health care perspective on a growing problem in communities throughout Central Iowa.
  • Navigating the Digital World—A hands on session for parents to learn about online resources and practical strategies for helping young people navigate the world of technology.

Event Flyer

  • A DAY tomorrow