Announcements-Wednesday, May 1st-B Day

  • NO REACH THE SUMMIT: No Reach the Summit on Thursday, May 2nd! May 7th and 9th will be our LAST week of RTS
  • BIG SISTER/LITTLE SISTER: Big Sister/Little Sister will meet on Tuesday, May 7th from after school until 4:30pm. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend with their student. We will be meeting in room 228, Mrs. Jordan’s room in Voyage Community.
  • SCHOOL CLIMATE COMMITTEE: School Climate Committee will have our final meeting and end of the year celebration next Thursday, May 9th at 7:35 in room 142. Please see Mrs. Heston or Mrs. Brock with any questions.
  • ATTENTION ALL 7TH GRADERS: The JMS Summer Strength & Conditioning program is intended for all incoming  8th & 9th grade students and athletes.  Attached is a flyer with the dates and times for the summer program.  You can have parents email me directly with any questions.
  • ATTENTION ALL SUMMIT STUDENTS: Begin planning now for the last day of school TALENT SHOW!  Singing, dancing, gymnastics, karate, story telling, piano, instrumental, magician, and much much more!  Perform alone, or get your group together now!  Let’s make it the best Summit TALENT SHOW  ever!! To sign up for an audition: Find a purple talent show poster hanging throughout the school.  Use your qr reader to scan the code.  Fill out the form and submit. Auditions will be the week of May 13-17.  Start organizing your act NOW!
  • WRESTLING SUMMER TRAINING: 2019 Johnston Wrestling Summer Training Academy

WHO:  For ANY K-12 student in Johnston (beginner to experienced wrestlers welcome)

WHAT:  Instructional sessions from Johnston Wrestling Coaches

WHEN:  Starts THURSDAY June 13thth  to  TUESDAY JULY 25th   5:15-6:45 PM (12 sessions total–Always Tuesdays and Thursdays) **There will not be a session Thursday July 4th for the holiday



  • A DAY tomorrow