JMS Announcements – 1/24/22
Announcements for: Monday, January 24, 2022 — A Day
Today (Monday, January 24, 2022) is an A Day.
Teachers will update weekly assignments every Friday so students know what needs to be done the following week. In the weekly updates, teachers will communicate any due dates for student work.
NO SCIENCE OLYMPIAD: There will be no Science Olympiad today after school.
TENNIS: The boys tennis team is seeking statisticians to track our varsity tennis meets this Spring. Matches begin in late March and run through the end of the school year. Time commitment is roughly 345 to 7 pm twice a week.
Please contact Coach D at the following email address if you are interested.
GOLD OUT: Congratulations to our Gold Out shirt winner: eighth-grade student, Grayce Reiners!
This shirt will be printed and distributed before the Gold Out game on February 1st at JHS. The high school students were a fan of this design and will be purchasing shirts as well; these are open for all staff and students to buy. Our purpose for the Gold Out has shifted from a building fundraiser to now support the Coaches vs Cancer event in combination with the high school. Money collected from shirt purchases will go to the American Cancer Society.
Along with the shirts, ninth-graders Mirabel Pinkerton and Sidney Peterson have also created stickers to support the cause as well. Those can be purchased at the link below this message and will also be available to buy on game night.
More information on the updated Gold Out event will be shared in PRIDE on Friday.
Link to Shirts:
Link to Stickers:
COUNSELING SERVICE: The Belin-Blank Center’s Assessment and Counseling Clinic is pleased to invite students with social skills challenges (either due to Autism Spectrum Disorder or another diagnosis) to inquire about participation in a social skills intervention group, based on the UCLA PEERS Curriculum. Students should be grades 7 through 9 and demonstrate high cognitive and/or academic ability. There will be 12 weekly group sessions conducted virtually, each 60 minutes in length, beginning in February through April of 2022, and parent support is required for participation. While the services are provided virtually, all clients must be in the state of Iowa to participate in the intervention, due to Iowa licensure laws. This intervention is a modified version of the UCLA PEERS Curriculum, an evidence-based group social skills intervention that is parent assisted. The group focuses on skills like having back-and-forth conversations, entering and exiting conversations, electronic forms of communication, choosing appropriate friends, handling teasing/bullying/rejection, handling arguments/disagreements, and being a good sport.
If you are interested in this group please let your counselor know!
Abbey Moomaw- 8th grade (
Kayla Lunn- 9th grade (
STUDENTS 4 CHANGE: Johnston Middle School is planning a peer leader training for students who are interested in becoming leaders for the Sources of Strength suicide prevention and mental health awareness group. The training will be held on Friday, Feb 18th during the school day. Interested students should complete the short application by Feb 1st. Students will be notified if they are selected as a peer leader. If you have additional questions about the program, please contact Mrs. York, JMS sponsor<> or Chris Wilson student well being coordinator<>. You can go to the following website to learn more about Sources of Strength.
For 9th grade students ONLY…there will be a dodgeball tournament for 9th through 12th grade students on February 6th from 1 to 4 PM. Teams can be any combination of students from grades 9, 10, 11, or 12.
A team captain needs to sign up a team of eight students; registration proceeds will go to Love Makes a Family, which supports children in foster care in Iowa. The form closes on Thursday, January 27th, so students need to contact Mrs. Anderson or a student council member before that time.
Boys Golf:
Attention Johnston Men’s Golfers: Please click here to fill out the following form to communicate your intentions for JHS Fall Men’s Golf 2022 (students must fill out the form). JHS Fall Men’s Golf 2022 is for current 8th-11th graders for this school year. If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Hattel at
Weightlifting Hours of Operation:
***9th Grade Students – 6:15-7:15am – Monday, Wednesday, Friday (NEW)
9th Grade Students – 3:00-4:00pm – Tuesday & Friday
8th Grade Students – 3:00-4:00pm – Monday & Thursday
JMS Weight Room – Entrance is Door 15
Resume – Monday, January 3
Last Day of Winter – Friday, March 4
School Early Dismissal Days = no weightlifting
School Weather Dismissal Days = no weightlifting
Non School Days / Holidays = no weightlifting
ATTENTION SCHOOL PERMIT DRIVERS: We want to keep you safe and legal. REMEMBER YOU CAN ONLY DRIVE TO SCHOOL–you should not be driving to any other location with this permit! Please review the laws/expectations of your School Permit.
USAGE: When can I use my School Permit?
· Only within the school boundaries
· To school or school sponsored event
LOCATIONS: ** Where do I go with my School Permit? **
· Travel the direct route (App.)
· Gas stations should be on or nearest to the route
TRANSPORTING OTHERS: Can anyone else ride with me?
· One passenger other than siblings
· This does not change the direct route expectation, passengers must start and stop at your locations
VIOLATIONS: What will happen to me if I don’t obey the law?
· Examples of Law Enforcement Consequences
· Loss of privileges (Ex: 2 or more Moving Violations = Revoked for 1 year)
· Monetary (Ex: $195 for Speeding Violation)
· Prolonged time for license
· School Consequences
· Typically: Warning, Alternative parking sight, Loss of privilege
PARKING: Where can I park while I’m at school?
· Back Lot – North side of JMS (Enter Door 15)
· Must have purchased a parking tag ($20) in the JMS Front Office
· Use only non “staff parking” spots
9th grade students who wish to obtain a school driver’s permit can follow the following link:
This link will guide them to a Google Site. Students will need to log in with their jdragonmail credentials in order to watch a video and complete a quiz. The video contains the information that was presented at permit meetings in the past and will now take the place of those meetings. One parent will need to watch the video and note that completion on the quiz. As usual, the only students eligible are 9th graders who have completed driver’s education and have had their learner’s permit for at least six months. After the quiz has been completed, students can pick up their signed Department of Transportation form in the JMS Front Office. Students will need a parking tag to park on school grounds during the school year. Parking tags are available for $20 when students pick up their DOT form. Please make sure you have your license plate number with you at the time of purchase.