JMS Announcements – 1/30/20
Johnston Middle School Announcements for
Thursday, January 30, A Day
New Announcements:
Middle School Swimming (7th and 8th Grades) – First day of practice is Tuesday, February 18th (due to no school the day prior for Johnston students). Practices are Monday – Friday 3:30-4:30 for 7th graders and 4:30-5:30 for 8th graders (and other school participants to allow for extra travel time.) Last practice will be March 10th with an ice cream social. Bussing will be provided each from JMS to Summit after school. The shuttle bus will be located in the front of the bus line each day.
Coaches will offer a stroke clinic that will be offered from Monday, February 10th – Thursday, February 13th from 3:30-4:30. This is open to all swimmers (grades 7-8) who are beginning in competitive swimming. We will have high school swimmers on hand to help assist breaking down techniques of one stroke per night. Butterfly – Monday (10th), Backstroke – Tuesday (11th), Breaststroke – Wednesday (12th), Freestyle/Recap – Thursday (13th). Swimmers can come to one night if they need particular help with that stroke or come to all.
All participants must complete the online athletic registration at This is also the site where the athletic physical must be uploaded prior to practice. Any student not signed up, will not be able to practice. You can contact Josh Tobey (Assistant AD) at if you have any issues completing the online registration.
Coaches for the 2020 season are Paige Sanders (Head Girls Coach) and Joe Farrell (Head Boys Coach). Please contact them with any questions at or
Repeat Announcements:
Attention 9th Grade Boys interested in playing soccer:
There will be open gyms every Wednesday for the month of February from 6-7am in the large gym at JMS. The dates are 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, & 2/26. Please bring indoor shoes and shin guards. If you have questions, please see Coach Skelton in room 105. We will be scrimmaging the entire time, so come ready to play!
ELP Application Announcement
Students can apply to be reviewed for the Extended Learning Program. This program exists to ensure students have opportunities to learn and be challenged at their advanced level.
One part of the program is a class that allows students to design a program of study and develop a project of their choice. If you are interested in an ELP course where you “choose your own adventure”, you need to apply for this program.
Whether or not you are interested in a course, as an identified ELP student, you would have access to the teacher who works with gifted and talented students to assist with high school and college planning.
Note: 8th and 9th grade students who are already identified for the ELP program MUST reapply this year in order to maintain their identification status
Please fill out the attached application. Parents may also choose to fill out the parent evaluation form, which is on the reverse side of your application. The application is also on the district web site under ELP. You do not have to have a parent recommendation– that is optional. Forms should be emailed or returned to Ms. McConnell by Feb. 21 (room 412). This application, along with your test scores and grades, will be reviewed, and you’ll be notified if you qualify for the program. ELP Self Nomination and Parent Nomination
Any questions: contact Ms. McConnell (
SCHOOL PERMIT MEETING: Attention 9th Grade Students! Our next School Permit Meeting will be Thursday, February 13 at 3:15 PM in the Cafeteria of Johnston Middle School (enter through front entrance). The ONLY students eligible are 9th grade students who HAVE HAD THEIR LEARNERS’ PERMIT FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS AND HAVE COMPLETED DRIVER’S ED. THE STUDENT AND A PARENT MUST ATTEND THE MEETING! Please bring your completed Driver’s Education Certificate (if you have a paper version – if you do not have a paper version don’t worry about it) and learner’s permit to the meeting. Parking Tags will be available for $20 during the meeting. Students will need a parking tag to park on school grounds during the school year. Please make sure you have your license plate number with you at the time of purchase. If you have NOT completed Driver’s Ed by the meeting date, we will have another meeting next month. Be watching your announcements for the date and time!
9th Grade student drivers who have purchased a parking tag are to meet during PRIDE time Friday, January 31, 2020 in the JMS Cafeteria!
JMS Coin Drive!
The battle is on during A, B, and C lunches starting today through Friday, February 7th. Remember that any dollar bills placed in jars will deduct from the coinage already earned (1-dollar bill = 100 cents, 20-dollar bill = 2, 000 cents). Get strategic, people, and help us fundraise for some incredible service opportunities! The top two jars with the highest amount accumulated at the end of the two weeks will win those teachers a wild activity to partake in for you LIVE! Have fun and donate!
Plastic Bags Needed! If you have extra plastic shopping bags at home, please bring them to Mrs. Swalve’s classroom #109. Plastic bags will be used for a variety of activities in our school and for our community. We will be collecting bags through Wednesday, March 5th. Thank you!
Please contact Mrs. Swalve if you have questions or concerns.
Thank you for your help!
PE Students: Your new heart rate monitor numbers will be posted outside the large gym on a bulletin board. Please have your new number memorized for this week. This will be your number all of second semester.