JMS Announcements – 11/1/19
Johnston Middle School Announcements for
Friday, November 1, B Day
New Announcements:
JHS Men’s Golf Team: If you are planning on going out for golf in the FALL OF 2020, ACTION IS REQUIRED. Please fill out the form from Only players are allowed to fill out the form, not parents/guardians. Please plan on filling out the form by November 7. Any questions, reach out to Coach Hattel at the 8/9 building in person or via email.
JHS Women’s Golf Team: If you are planning on going out for golf in the SPRING OF 2020, ACTION IS REQUIRED. Please fill out the form from Only players are allowed to fill out the form, not parents/guardians. Please plan on filling out the form by November 7. Any questions, reach out to Coach Hattel at the 8/9 building in person or via email. *The JHS Women’s Golf Team is open to 9th-12th graders.
Repeat Announcements:
There will be a Freshman Johnston Baseball meeting on November 5th at 5:30 PM in the Middle School weight room. Please bring your IPad. If you are a freshman planning on playing baseball this year….attendance at this meeting is mandatory. Also…if you are someone interested in MANAGING for the Johnston Baseball program….we would like you to attend this meeting as well. 5:30 PM Baseball Meeting on Tuesday, November 5th for players and managers….Middle School Weight Room…..bring your IPad. Be there.
Any 9-12th grader interested in WRESTLING, should simply send Coach Tecklenburg an email at: or
Also, all 9-12 wrestlers and managers should plan on attending a pre-season informational meeting on Tuesday November 12th at 3:10 PM in the wrestling room at JHS. Freshman at JMS should ride the activity bus from JMS and report directly to the wrestling room at JHS for this meeting. PARENTS/GUARDIANS, please get your son registered at the following link prior to the first practice on Monday November 19th:
Finally, there will be an informational meeting for parents during the first week of the practice season at a time to be determined. Any questions, please just email me at either link above.
JHS Student Council is hosting 3 on 3 basketball on Sunday, November 3rd at the high school gym from 12 to 2 PM. We wanted to invite any freshman at the school, so they can feel a part of the high school experience. From here on out, these sign-ups will be sent earlier, so be looking for more opportunities!
This is the link to sign up:
SCHOOL PERMIT MEETING: Attention 9th Grade Students! Our next School Permit Meeting will be Tuesday, November 5 at 3:15 PM in the Cafeteria of Johnston Middle School (enter through front entrance). The ONLY students eligible are 9th grade students who HAVE HAD THEIR LEARNERS’ PERMIT FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS AND HAVE COMPLETED DRIVER’S ED. THE STUDENT AND A PARENT MUST ATTEND THE MEETING! Please bring your completed Driver’s Education Certificate (if you have a paper version – if you do not have a paper version don’t worry about it) and learner’s permit to the meeting. Parking Tags will be available for $20 during the meeting. Students will need a parking tag to park on school grounds during the school year. Please make sure you have your license plate number with you at the time of purchase. If you have NOT completed Driver’s Ed by the meeting date, we will have another meeting next month. Be watching your announcements for the date and time!
Bowling tryouts will be held Nov. 11th and 12th for boys, Nov. 13th and 14th for girls. No experience or equipment necessary! All tryouts and practices will be held at Warrior Lanes (190 SE Laurel Street Waukee, IA 50263). Please see the attached flier for details. If you have questions or cannot attend the meeting but want the information, contact Owen Smith ( Hope we can have you on the team! JHS BOWLING TRYOUTS 2019