JMS Announcements – 2/16/21
Johnston Middle School Announcements for
Tuesday, February 16, 2021, B-EVEN
Today (Tuesday, February 16) is an EVEN B-day.
CONGRATULATIONS to SOUND ADVICE with a big WIN at Urbandale—9th Grade division
…they also beat Waukee and Norwalk’s Preps…JV teams!!!
Book your JMS Parent Teacher Conference TODAY at and enter the event code ux9rn! Conference day is Thursday, February 25, 1:30-5:00 PM and 5:30-8:00 PM (5:00 – 5:30 PM is Supper Break for our staff). We ask that parents book only one eight (8) minute conference time per teacher to allow all parents the opportunity to meet with their student’s teachers.
SPRING PICTURE DAY is coming Monday, February 22! On-line students, if you wish to have your picture taken, you can use Door #1 any time 8:00-Noon.
Reminder for OFF CAMPUS STUDY HALL students → When you are in school and are scheduled for Off Campus Study Hall, you are to go to the LIBRARY. Thank you.
Any 8th grade girls interested in joining Track & Field need to come to an informational meeting on one of following dates and times:
Feb. 22nd from 3:00 – 3:30pm in the study hall room OR Feb. 23rd from 7:25 – 7:45am in the study hall room.
Please attend whichever meeting fits your schedule best. Only attend one of the times.
Any 8th grade boys interested in joining Track & Field need to come to an informational meeting on one of the following dates and times:
Feb. 23th from 3:00 – 3:30pm in the study hall room OR Feb. 24th from 7:25 – 7:45am in the study hall room.
Please attend whichever meeting fits your schedule best. Only attend one of the times.
8th/9th Grade Students are not permitted to train at JHS due to being over capacity. 8th/9th Grade Students are able to train at JMS on M, T, and TH from 3:00-4:00.
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM), a national effort focused on advocacy and education to prevent dating violence before it starts. It is also a time to promote safe and healthy relationships by talking about healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviors, recognizing the warning signs, connecting adolescents to support and identifying innovative strategies to prevent dating abuse. In recognition of TDVAM, the Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV) wants to raise awareness by hosting a What is Love art contest, February 8-24, 2021.
Please see the attached flyer for contact details. To sign up and submit a piece for the What is Love art contest, visit, or contact Lindsay Pingel, director of Community Engagement for ICADV, at
Application for Extended Learning Program (ELP)
The application process is now open for 8th and 9th grade students interested in being reviewed for Johnston’s Extended Learning Program. This program exists to ensure students have opportunities to learn and be challenged at their advanced level.
One part of the program is a class that allows students to design a program of study and develop a project of their choice. If you are interested in the ELP elective where you “choose your own adventure”, you should apply for this program.
Whether or not you are interested in a course, as an identified ELP student, you would have access to the teacher who works with gifted and talented students to assist with high school and college planning.
ELP Applications are virtual this year!
New Applicants: Please fill out the form linked here.
Existing ELP Students: If you are already identified for ELP and wish to continue to be eligible for ELP services, please fill out the form linked here.
All forms, for both new applicants and existing ELP students are due on or before March 1st, 2021
Any questions: contact Ms. McConnell (
ATTENTION SCHOOL PERMIT DRIVERS: We want to keep you safe and legal. REMEMBER YOU CAN ONLY DRIVE TO SCHOOL–you should not be driving to any other location with this permit! Please review the laws/expectations of your School Permit.
USAGE: When can I use my School Permit?
Only within the school boundaries
To school or school sponsored event
LOCATIONS: ** Where do I go with my School Permit? **
Travel the direct route (App.)
Gas stations should be on or nearest to the route
TRANSPORTING OTHERS: Can anyone else ride with me?
One passenger other than siblings
This does not change the direct route expectation, passengers must start and stop at your locations
VIOLATIONS: What will happen to me if I don’t obey the law?
Examples of Law Enforcement Consequences
Loss of privileges (Ex: 2 or more Moving Violations = Revoked for 1 year)
Monetary (Ex: $195 for Speeding Violation)
Prolonged time for license
School Consequences
Typically: Warning, Alternative parking sight, Loss of privilege
PARKING: Where can I park while I’m at school?
Back Lot – North side of JMS (Enter Door 15)
Must have purchased a parking tag ($20) in the JMS Front Office
Use only non “staff parking” spots
9th grade students who wish to obtain a school driver’s permit can follow the following link:
This link will guide them to a Google Site. Students will need to log in with their jdragonmail credentials in order to watch a video and complete a quiz. The video contains the information that was presented at permit meetings in the past and will now take the place of those meetings. One parent will need to watch the video and note that completion on the quiz. As usual, the only students eligible are 9th graders who have completed driver’s education and have had their learner’s permit for at least six months. After the quiz has been completed, students can pick up their signed Department of Transportation form in the JMS Front Office. Students will need a parking tag to park on school grounds during the school year. Parking tags are available for $20 when students pick up their DOT form. Please make sure you have your license plate number with you at the time of purchase.
Any and all students interested in upcoming athletics, please register now using the Johnston online activities registration system. All student-athletes are required to have a yearly sports physical on file in the system. Please see the attached sports physical form, that should be brought to the doctor appointment and signed by doctor, then a parent or guardian should complete the additional information on the form.
Once a student is registered, the coaches will be notified with athlete information and coaches will be sending updates to the athlete and parents.
Open to boys and girls in grade 8, practices are held at Johnston Middle School, and home meets at Johnston High School. Practice begins in March.
Open to students in grade 9. Spring practices begin in February or March.
Open to girls in grades 8 & 9, and boys in grade 9. Pre-season meetings and workouts will begin second semester.
Online Activities Registration Link:
Need Assistance: Email Melissa Crosse at<>