JMS Announcements – 2/13/19
Wednesday, February 13th, 2019–B Day
JMS Announcements:
Student Council will be selling friends bracelets, Monday 2/11 through Thursday 2/14 buy 1 get one free, two for $1.00. Give a friend a bracelet and keep one for yourself.
SPRING PICTURE DAY is coming soon! JMS Spring Pictures will be taken on Monday, February 25! Photo information was sent home with students on Friday!
If you are a 9th grade girl that is interested in a one day conference for girls interested in learning about science, technology, engineering and math college majors through hands on activities and presentations stop in room 122 Thursday morning at 7:35 am. There are limited spots open so the first 30 students that commit to the conference will be part of the field trip.
Culture Club Announcement!
Please see the attached flyer for information on the next Culture Club Meeting! Culture Club Feb
Apply for ELP!
High School ELP Information:
Students in or entering high school can apply to be reviewed for the Extended Learning Program. This program exists to ensure students have opportunities to learn and be challenged at their level. In grades 8-12, students need to take initiative to apply for this programming. As an identified ELP student, you would have access to the teacher who works with gifted and talented students to assist with high school and college planning. In addition to this, you would have the opportunity to take the ELP class which is a high ability course where students determine the type of learning they wish to pursue in a self-study classroom environment. Whether or not you are interested in the self-study class, all students interested in being identified or continuing to be identified for ELP services need to fill out an application.
All JMS students will hear about programming and be able to get an application through their language arts class. The application is also on the district website under Extended Learning Program in the Student Support and Equity tab which can be found with the following link:
Please email Ms. McConnell if you have any questions regarding applying for ELP (