JMS Announcements – 2/7/19
Thursday, February 7th, 2019–B Day
New Announcements:
Are you interested in learning more about mental health?!
The Science Center of Iowa is holding a FREE event for students next Monday, February 11th from 4:30-8:15 in order to learn more about mental illness and discover how best to support mental health for themselves and their peers through breakout sessions with a variety of mental health professionals, area organizations and community leaders. If you are interested in attending this FREE event please register at
Culture Club Announcement!
Please see the attached flyer for information on the next Culture Club Meeting! Culture Club Feb
SCHOOL PERMIT MEETING: Attention 9th Grade Students! Our next School Permit Meeting will be Tuesday, February 12 at 3:15 PM in the Cafeteria of Johnston Middle School (enter through front entrance). The ONLY students eligible are 9th grade students who HAVE HAD THEIR LEARNERS’ PERMIT FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS AND HAVE COMPLETED DRIVER’S ED. THE STUDENT AND A PARENT MUST ATTEND THE MEETING! Please bring your completed Driver’s Education Certificate and learner’s permit to the meeting. Parking Tags will be available for $20 during the meeting. Students will need a parking tag to park on school grounds during the school year. Please make sure you have your license plate number with you at the time of purchase. If you have NOT completed Driver’s Ed by the meeting date, we will have another meeting next month. Be watching your announcements for the date and time!
All 8th grade girls interested in going out for TRACK should meet in the auditorium on Feb. 7th at 3:00pm OR the small gym Feb. 8th at 7:35am. We will discuss some opportunities to order clothing and talk about the upcoming season. First official practice starts March 11th.
Any 8th or 9th grade boy wanting to participate in golf next fall needs to attend a meeting on Thursday, Feb 7th at 3:00 with Coach Hattel at the Middle School. The meeting will last about an hour. Your attendance is very important. Any questions, please reach out to Coach Hattel in advance.
Repeat Announcements:
Apply for ELP!
High School ELP Information:
Students in or entering high school can apply to be reviewed for the Extended Learning Program. This program exists to ensure students have opportunities to learn and be challenged at their level. In grades 8-12, students need to take initiative to apply for this programming. As an identified ELP student, you would have access to the teacher who works with gifted and talented students to assist with high school and college planning. In addition to this, you would have the opportunity to take the ELP class which is a high ability course where students determine the type of learning they wish to pursue in a self-study classroom environment. Whether or not you are interested in the self-study class, all students interested in being identified or continuing to be identified for ELP services need to fill out an application.
All JMS students will hear about programming and be able to get an application through their language arts class. The application is also on the district website under Extended Learning Program in the Student Support and Equity tab which can be found with the following link:
Please email Ms. McConnell if you have any questions regarding applying for ELP (