JMS Announcements – 4/30/21
Johnston Middle School Announcements for
Friday, April 30, 2021, A-EVEN
Today (Friday, April 30) is an A-EVEN day.
JHS Women’s Golf – The Varsity JHS Women’s Golf Team lost their dual meet against Valley on 4/28/21. Low Dragons were Cale, Zimmerman, Cale, Nanke. Next up for the Dragons is the Dragon Invitational on 5/3/21.
The JV JHS Women’s Golf Team won their dual meet against Valley on 4/28/21. Low Dragons were Daley, Marin, Gradeler, Hanson.
JHS PTO – 9th grade parents, as your kiddos are headed off to the high school next year, we wanted you to know that we have a fairly new PTO at JHS. We are about to end the current year, but we are still looking for help for next year. In the past three years, we have started traditions at JHS that the staff at all the other schools have been enjoying for years: Classroom Grants and Staff Appreciation. We have funded thousands of dollars of classroom supplies that would otherwise have to wait for the JHS budget to be able to purchase. We have also treated staff to meals during Parent-Teacher Conferences, a holiday Cookie Walk, and monthly Mailbox Treats. The staff has been very appreciative of everything that they have received.
HOWEVER, we can’t continue the PTO next year without officers to coordinate it. At this time, we already have volunteers lined up to organize half of our events. We still need a President, Vice President (or two Co-Presidents), a Secretary, and possibly a Treasurer (we may have this one filled). The time commitment is only a few hours per month. Most of our current officers still have children in the district, so we are around to help or answer any questions that come up. No previous PTO experience is needed, but it WOULD be helpful to attend our May 6th meeting just to see how a meeting generally runs. (Most of our monthly meetings last 35-40 minutes.)
If you have any interest or any questions, please email us at If you would like to attend our May 6th meeting, please email us for the May meeting link. Ninth grade parents are very welcome to attend our meeting regardless of interest in serving as an officer. We hope to vote in new officers next week to make the transition to the new year easier. Thank you!
Staci Randall, JHS PTO President; Andrea Gallimore, JHS PTO Vice President; Tracy Mertes, JHS PTO Secretary; Tracy Walker, JHS PTO Treasurer
Johnston Community Education Aquatics – There are plenty of activities for the whole family to enjoy! In May we have our water polo clinic going on for Youth and Adults! We are also offering a Jr. Lifeguard program for kiddos looking to gain Lifeguard experience and get CPR certified! Please see the attached flyers for information. Pool BrochureA, Pool BrochureB, Water Polo Clinic
Fellowship of Christian Athletes – The FCA club is inviting you to join our next Huddle on Thursday, (4/29) beginning at 7:00 pm @ NorthPoint Church. All students (whether you are an athlete or not) in grades 9-12 are welcome to attend!
Twitter: @JHS_FCA
Instagram: jcsd_fca
Johnston Cheerleading 2021-2022 – 9th to 12th Grade Cheerleading Tryouts
* May 10th, 11th, & 13th – 3:30-4:45 pm – Tryout Clinic
* Sunday, May 16th – Final Tryouts
The QR code on the cheerleading tryouts has reached a limit. To sign up for cheer tryouts, this link must be used:
If you have already signed up, you do not need to sign up again.
Additional questions… email Head Coach Kelsey Kramer at
Dungeons and Dragons Club would like to announce they meet every Monday from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the Multipurpose Room (note the location change). Please join us for adventure and excitement. No experience needed. Any 8th or 9th grade students are welcome to attend. Please contact Mr. Hewitt ( if you have any questions.
Johnston Band Parents Association – The 2021 Plant Sale is kicking off soon. The link is active NOW — see below. All sales this year are online only.
Coupons can be ordered online at Johnston Band Plant Sale and will be delivered at the end of April for redemption at Holub. Coupons may only be redeemed for the plant options specified on the coupons and must be used by June 30, 2021. His shop is open April 25 – July 12, 2021.
Customers can go directly to Holub Greenhouse, 4365 Merle Hay Road to pick out their plants and they can only pick out plants specified on the coupons.
Johnston Public Library – Did you know the Johnston Public Library offers a variation of “Study Zone” or “Homework Help?” Kids can show up on Zoom to either be tutored, have an academic environment to do homework, or be able to dive further into their work with other Johnston students. We meet on Zoom at 3:30PM on Mondays until around 5PM and have high school peer tutors available to help students. We can also meet outside that time individually if needed. Reminder all sessions are completely free and non-obligational. All sessions are monitored by James Grimm and Jessica Young at the Johnston Public Library. For students to receive more information, fill out the online form here with their information so we can reach out to them: or at the slightly less scary shortened version:
JHS Business Club – 9th Grade Dragons, are you interested in learning about how to start and run a business? Do you want to learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Do you want to learn how to invest in the stock market? If so, the JHS Business Club is for you! Here, you will have the opportunity to work on projects of your own or team up with other students and see if this would be something you would want to do in the future. New ideas and suggestions on which direction the club should engage in are welcome too. We meet every Tuesday @3:30 on Zoom. Practices can last between 15min-45min. Please stay tuned for future announcements about events and ways to engage with the club.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 4866 3164
Passcode: PkT5fQ
Contact if you have any questions or if you won’t be able to make it! We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible and hope you decide to join the JHS Business Club!
JMS School Permits – 9th grade school permit drivers, we want to keep you safe and legal. REMEMBER YOU CAN ONLY DRIVE TO SCHOOL–you should not be driving to any other location with this permit! Please review the laws/expectations of your School Permit.
USAGE: When can I use my School Permit?
- Only within the school boundaries
- To school or school sponsored event
LOCATIONS: ** Where do I go with my School Permit? **
- Travel the direct route (App.)
- Gas stations should be on or nearest to the route
TRANSPORTING OTHERS: Can anyone else ride with me?
- One passenger other than siblings
- This does not change the direct route expectation, passengers must start and stop at your locations
VIOLATIONS: What will happen to me if I don’t obey the law?
- Examples of Law Enforcement Consequences
- Loss of privileges (Ex: 2 or more Moving Violations = Revoked for 1 year)
- Monetary (Ex: $195 for Speeding Violation)
- Prolonged time for license
- School Consequences
- Typically: Warning, Alternative parking sight, Loss of privilege
PARKING: Where can I park while I’m at school?
- Back Lot – North side of JMS (Enter Door 15)
- Must have purchased a parking tag ($20) in the JMS Front Office
- Use only non “staff parking” spots
9th grade students who wish to obtain a school driver’s permit can follow the following link:
This link will guide them to a Google Site. Students will need to log in with their jdragonmail credentials in order to watch a video and complete a quiz. The video contains the information that was presented at permit meetings in the past and will now take the place of those meetings. One parent will need to watch the video and note that completion on the quiz. As usual, the only students eligible are 9th graders who have completed driver’s education and have had their learner’s permit for at least six months. After the quiz has been completed, students can pick up their signed Department of Transportation form in the JMS Front Office. Students will need a parking tag to park on school grounds during the school year. Parking tags are available for $20 when students pick up their DOT form. Please make sure you have your license plate number with you at the time of purchase.