JMS Announcements – 4/18/19

Thursday, April 18th, 2019–B Day!

New Announcements:


If you wish to purchase your Spring Pictures this year, your $$ packet should be turned in to the front office by the end of the day Monday, April 22! If you do not want to buy your photos, you need to return your picture packet to the front office as well! Lifetouch will be picking up picture payments and photo packets for the LAST TIME on Tuesday!


Attention Student Council Members!  The last meeting of the year will be this Thursday, April 18th at 3:00 p.m.  Please email Mrs. Platt or Ms. Williams if you plan on attending.


Repeat Announcements:

Johnston Middle School competed the annual state TSA Conference on Monday, April 8th and Tuesday, April 9th.  Over those two days, 12 JMS students competed in STEM competitions.  JMS placed in the top 3 in 18 different events and earned the Conference Chapter Champion Award for all Middle School chapters. These young men and women have been working tirelessly to get ready for this competition and performed amazingly well.

Congratulations to:

·         Esha Bolar for 1st place in Career Prep, Chapter Team, Children’s Stories, Mass Production, Prepared Speech, and Technology Quiz Bowl.

·         Audrey Bristow for 1st place in Chapter team

·         Anita Dinakar for 1st place in Chapter Team, Junior Solar Sprint, Mass Production, and Technology Quiz Bowl.  2nd Place in Challenging Technology Issues and 3rd place in Problem Solving

·         Andy Drafahl for 3rd Place in Mass Production

·         Adam Ehler for 1st place in Technical Design and 3rd Place in Prepared Speech and Vex Robotics

·         Inesh Gogineni for 3rd Place in Mass Production and Vex Robotics

·         Zach Hodson for 1st place in Chapter team, Junior Solar Sprint, Mass Production, and Technology Quiz Bowl.  2nd place in Challenging technology issues

·         Anjali Kumar for 1st place in Chapter team, Children’s Stories, and Mass Production. 2nd place in Prepared Speech and Promotional Marketing. And 3rd place in Problem Solving

·         Sam Lindgren for 1st place in Challenging Technology Issues and 3rd place for Vex Robotics

·         Will Stokes for 1st place in Challenging Technology Issues and 3rd place in Mass Production

·         Adam Wise for 1st place in Chapter Team and Technical Design and 2nd place in CO2 Dragster


Student Council is a club at JHS that puts on events in order to benefit our school and community! We put on a variety of events, ranging from homecoming week activities to fundraising efforts in the winter. Please apply if you are interested! Applications are due FRIDAY, APRIL 19 and can be submitted electronically or as a physical copy.


Student Council Application 2019 2020

JMS students and staff: Reserve your 2019 Yearbook TODAY!  If you did not purchase one during registration, order now to reserve your copy. YBs cost $28 and can be purchased with cash or check in the office or with a credit card on REV TRAK. Books are on sale from now until the reserve supply is gone. Student writers and photographers did outstanding work this year–you won’t want to miss it!