FRIDAY-A DAY HYPERSTREAM CLUB STARTING Like coding? Computers? 3D printing? Inventing? Join Hyperstream Club Tuesdays from 2:50 – 3:40 in Mr. Motz’s STEM room 110. What will we do? We will be learning about the different projects that are offered. Coding,...
JMS Announcements — January 10, 2025 CLICK HERE FOR TODAY’S ANNOUNCEMENTS
JMS Announcements — January 8, 2025 CLICK HERE FOR TODAY’S ANNOUNCEMENTS
THURSDAY-B DAY HYPERSTREAM CLUB STARTING Like coding? Computers? 3D printing? Inventing? Join Hyperstream Club Tuesdays from 2:50 – 3:40 in Mr. Motz’s STEM room 110. What will we do? We will be learning about the different projects that are offered. Coding,...
WEDNESDAY-A DAY HYPERSTREAM CLUB STARTING Like coding? Computers? 3D printing? Inventing? Join Hyperstream Club Tuesdays from 2:50 – 3:40 in Mr. Motz’s STEM room 110. What will we do? We will be learning about the different projects that are offered. Coding,...
TUESDAY-B DAY HYPERSTREAM CLUB STARTING Like coding? Computers? 3D printing? Inventing? Join Hyperstream Club Tuesdays from 2:50 – 3:40 in Mr. Motz’s STEM room 110. What will we do? We will be learning about the different projects that are offered. Coding,...
MONDAY-A DAY HYPERSTREAM CLUB STARTING Like coding? Computers? 3D printing? Inventing? Join Hyperstream Club Tuesdays from 2:50 – 3:40 in Mr. Motz’s STEM room 110. What will we do? We will be learning about the different projects that are offered. Coding,...
JMS Announcements — January 7, 2025 CLICK HERE FOR TODAY’S ANNOUNCEMENTS
NO SCHOOL, DEC. 23RD-JAN 2ND CLASS RESUMES ON FRIDAY, JAN. 3RD-B DAY HYPERSTREAM CLUB STARTING Like coding? Computers? 3D printing? Inventing? Join Hyperstream Club Tuesdays from 2:50 – 3:40 in Mr. Motz’s STEM room 110. What will we do? We will...
FRIDAY-A DAY NO SCHOOL DECEMBER 23 THROUGH JANUARY 2 HYPERSTREAM CLUB STARTING Like coding? Computers? 3D printing? Inventing? Hyperstream Club Starting Next Week with Mr. Motz! First Meeting: Tuesday, December 17th from 2:50-3:40 (this will be our regular meeting day/time after...