Vocal Music Website
Year Long Course
Elective: 10th-12th Grade (Selected by Audition)
Prerequisite: Current membership in Cantus, Cantemus, Bass Clef Choir or Cantate is required.
Innovation is one of three show choirs at JHS. It combines elements of singing, dancing, and performing in a twenty-minute show. Innovation competes in various show choir competitions in January, February, and March. It presents an end of year show in the spring. Innovation rehearses every other day and on Monday evenings from 6:30 – 9:30pm. Additional night and/or weekend rehearsals will also be scheduled as necessary. Innovation is directed by Laura Grimm.
Year Long Course
Elective: 10th-12th Grade (Selected by Audition)
Prerequisite: Current membership in Cantus, Cantemus, Bass Clef Choir or Cantate is required.
Synergy is one of three show choirs at JHS. It combines elements of singing, dancing, and performing in a fifteen-minute show. Synergy competes in various show choir competitions in January, February, and March. It presents an end of year show in the spring. Synergy rehearses every other day and on Monday evenings from 7-9pm. Additional night and/or weekend rehearsals will also be scheduled as necessary. Synergy is directed by Hannah Ryan.
Extra-Curricular Course
Elective: 9th-12th Grade (Selected by Audition)
Prerequisite: Current membership in Cantus, Cantemus, Bass Clef Choir or Cantate is required.
Bella Voce is one of three show choirs at JHS. It combines elements of singing, dancing, and performing in a fifteen-minute show. Bella Voce competes in various show choir competitions in January, February, and March. It presents an end of year show in the spring. Bella Voce rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 9:30pm. Additional night and/or weekend rehearsals will also be scheduled as necessary. Bella Voce is directed by Emily Battani.
Year Long Course
Elective: 9th Grade (Selected by Audition)
Prerequisite: Current enrollment in 9th grade choir at JMS
Sound Advice is one of two show choirs at JMS. It combines elements of singing, dancing, and performing in a fifteen-minute show. Sound Advice competes in various show choir competitions in January, February, and March. It presents an end of year show in the spring. Sound Advice meets Monday nights, mornings, and some weekends. Sound advice is directed by Jorie O’Leary.
Year Long Course
Elective: 8th Grade (Selected by Audition)
Prerequisite: Current enrollment in 8th grade choir at JMS
Impact is one of two show choirs at JMS. It combines elements of singing, dancing, and performing in a fifteen-minute show. Impact competes in various show choir competitions in January, February, and March. It presents an end of year show in the spring. Impact rehearses every Tuesday and Thursday before school, alternating with the 8th grade jazz band schedule. Additional night and/or weekend rehearsals will also be scheduled as necessary. Impact is directed by Melanie Dygert.
Extra-Curricular Course
Elective: 7th Grade (Non-Auditioned)
Prerequisite: Current enrollment in 7th grade choir at SMS
Summit’s Fusion 7th grade show choir is a non-auditioned show choir of over 100 seventh grade students. This is our students’ first experience with show choir in the district. Fusion is comprised of two groups, the Girls’ Choir and the Mixed Choir. Fusion performs several times in January and February, including at Johnston’s Showzam! Fusion meets two to three times a week before school from October through February, as well as occasional weekend rehearsals. Fusion is directed by Nathan Shivers and Julie Hendrickson.