Speech & Debate

Seech & Debate


Head Coach: Jeremy Fitzpatrick – jeremy.fitzpatrick@johnston.k12.ia.us


The JHS NFL Speech and Debate Team is open to all students in grades 9-12 in the district. Students involved in the program participate in local, state and national level competitions from August-March.


Weekly meetings are held every Tuesday at JHS, after school from 3-4 p.m.


Speech and Debate competitions not only help students build confidence, poise, and real world reasoning and speaking skills, but they also allow the opportunity to interact with other students across the state and country. Individual students can also earn membership into the National Forensic League, a national honorary organization for speech and debate.


The team earned a charter membership in the National Forensic League during the 2013-2014 school year, the highest level of membership the organization offers.


The following are some of the events offered:

  • Public Forum Debate
  • Student Congress/Congressional Debate
  • Original Oratory
  • Humorous/Dramatic Interpretation
  • Duo Interpretation
  • Prose/Poetry/Literary Program
  • Spontaneous Speaking


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