Policies and Regulations to Enhance Student and School Health

Emergency Contacts

It is district policy that the school is supplied with an emergency number that can be called in case a child becomes ill or is injured. Emergency information forms for this purpose are available at registration or any other time during the school year. Please be sure that the neighbor, friend, or relative is aware that you have given their number as an emergency phone number. If at any time during the school year this information changes, notify the school immediately.

Illnesses at School

Students with the following symptoms may be sent home:

  • Temperature of 100 degrees Fehrenheit or above
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Unexplained abdominal pain
  • Severe cold and/or cough
  • Unexplained skin eruptions or rash
  • Swelling, redness, tenderness, discharge of eyes
  • Communicable disease
  • Any health condition that in the nurse’s judgement is of concern for the child’s or others’ health

Medical absence of five consecutive school days for all elementary schools and Summit, and three consecutive days for the middle school and high school, requires written verification from a physician, including any restrictions, for readmission to school. Students who wish to participate in school-sponsored activities must attend school a half-day the day of the activity unless permission has been given by the principal for the student to be absent.


School personnel cannot administer any medication during the school day, including prescription and over-the-counter medication, unless the authorization to administer medication form is completed. This form is also available at registration and in the school health office through the school year.

Physical Education

State education laws require that all students be enrolled in and participate in a course of Physical Education (PE). Students are required to participate in all PE classes. See student handbooks for additional information. If a physician feels that a student should not participate or should participate only on a limited basis, parents must have the physician state such conditions in written form, which should be given to the school nurse. In the case of unexpected illness or injury, the school nurse may determine if a student is unable to participate in PE activities.


Students will be expected to go outside for recess each day unless there are individually approved circumstances or inclement weather conditions. If the student has returned after a lengthy illness, he/she will be held in from recess for no more than two days without a doctor’s note. During the wintertime, we use the local weather service report, and the students are not permitted to go outside for recess if the wind chill index drops to five degrees Fahrenheit or below. Appropriate clothing for the existing weather conditions at the time is a must.

Complete Health Policies

Student Absences – Board Policy 501.12

Immunization – Board Policy 507.1

Medication Administration – Board Policy 507.2

Student Illness and Injury – Board Policy 507.3

Communicable Diseases – Board Policy 507.4

Special Health Services – Board Policy 507.8

Authorization to Administer Medication – Board Policy 507.9

Student Health Services – Board Policy 507.10