Using Tools Responsibly
The Johnston Community School District has a robust digital learning environment that supports student learning. All of our students benefit from technology tools that are integrated into the learning environment. Policies have been created to guide parents, students, and staff in responsible use of district-provided technical learning equipment. Additional agreement forms have been created to ensure students and parents understand their rights and expectations.
District Expectations
Digital communications and other new technologies shift the ways that information and media may be accessed, communicated, and transferred by members of society. Digital resources and tools are an integral part of instruction and student learning. The Johnston Community School District supports access by students and staff to rich information resources along with the development of appropriate skills to analyze and evaluate such reference.
The district will comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act through the implementation of a Children’s Internet Protection Act compliant web filter. The filter is a technology protection measure that provides blocks to internet sites that are deemed inappropriate in content, graphic, message or intent (i.e. sites that are obscene, child pornography or harmful to minors). Although the filter is continuously updated, it is not a guaranteed security from all inappropriate sites.
All students will be informed of their digital citizenship responsibilities and their rights and responsibilities as users of the district’s network/technology resources, prior to gaining access to the network, either as an individual user or as a member of a class or group (see Responsible User Agreement, Policy 502.10). While students may be able to move beyond selected resources to ones that have not been evaluated by staff, they shall be provided with guidelines and lists of resources particularly suited to the learning objectives. Students may pursue electronic research independent of staff supervision only if they have not been denied parental permission. Electronic network orientation and skill building lessons will be offered to students by staff. Ultimately, parents and guardians are responsible for conveying the guidelines and ethics that their students should follow when using digital media, technology and information resources.
Questions can be directed to your child’s building principal.
Student Expectations
The Johnston Community School District provides use of electronic technologies to enhance student learning. All electronic technologies must be used in support of the educational program of the district. Access to electronic technologies may be revoked at any time for inappropriate use. To ensure appropriate technology use, the district maintains appropriate filtering and security protocols in compliance with state and federal laws; however, students bear responsibility for acceptable use of the internet and electronic technologies. Students are advised that district personnel may monitor use of and content stored on district electronic technologies.
The Student Technology Responsible Use policies set forth guidelines for student access and use of district electronic technologies. As required by law, all parents and students must sign a Responsible Use Agreement to permit student access to district technologies. The agreement is effective throughout the child’s education at their school. Parents with questions or concerns about the Responsible Use Agreement should schedule a meeting with the school principal to discuss alternative learning options.
Student Technology Responsible Use Policies |
605.6 Internet Appropriate Use (Student Technology Responsible Use Policy) |
605.6E1 Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents |
605.6R1 Technology Responsible Use Agreement Form |